
Hi Lovelies,

Yes- it’s a double helping of me today. I couldn’t let Pride 2016 go without writing about it.  Last week was a difficult one. With many of us trying to make sense of what happened in Orlando, the murder of Jo Cox and then the shock of Brexit, finding things to be grateful for and staying positive was challenging.

Thankfully after all the pain and sadness Pride appeared as a beacon of love. Knowing London voted almost entirely to REMAIN, I was full of affection and pride for this amazing city I get to call home. Pride 2016 took that to a new level.  The sun came out, the rain came. the RED ARROWS came but most of all London came out in their thousands. Pride is always special. This year was momentous and I believe it will go down in history. We needed to find a happy place, we needed to raise our vibrations and we needed reminding that we are great. Thank you Pride and thank you to our awesome, diverse LGBT community for giving us the opportunity we were so ready for to show and feel love.

I am dumbstruck with pride and joy that I was part of the march. Thank you Food Chain for giving me the opportunity. We walked and danced across London cheered along by tens of thousands of people. The atmosphere was breathtaking. I spent a large part of the march fighting back tears of joy; knowing if they started, they wouldn’t stop.

London whistled and whooped, cheered , hugged, kissed and clapped. Nobody voted, nobody judged, nobody tolerated; we just loved.

Rainbow flags decorated our buildings and streets, a policeman broke ranks to propose to his boyfriend, our fantastic new Mayor Sadiq Khan spoke for all us in London when he assured the LGBT/ European community that you are welcome, you are appreciated and you have a home here.

I got to connect with men and women of all ages, races and faiths. We shared drinks, food, selfies and glitter. LOTS OF GLITTER. Thank you@AlanAsound 🙂 [still finding it].

I had a man tell me I was the happiest person he’d met all day. You had to have been part of it to even begin to understand what an enormous compliment that was.

I have to extend a huge, GIANT thank you to The Yard. You hosted the best night,  your wondrous punters absolutely gave in to my demands to hugs, you provided shelter not just from the rain but from the sadness and madness the past few days and weeks have sent us.

#NOFILTER is a pretty great moral to live your life by. I would add #CHOSELOVE.

At the end of it all my lovelies, LOVE is all we have. I saw two men with their beautiful daughter, they were all wearing t-shirts that said “LOVE created this family”. Let’s build a world where that’s true of every family. Love created us, Love will feed our souls. Stick 2 fingers up at hate, fear and tolerance and welcome in LOVE, TRUST AND ACCEPTANCE.


Or to make it simple. live by the mantra I was raised on “Everybody loves, everybody cries, everybody hurts, everybody bleeds”.

Chose Love 🙂


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