You’re still with me!

Hey There Gorgeous People.

So where were we? Are you keeping up with me? It’s not always easy but it will always be fun. Promise. I believe I had gotten to the good stuff and was telling you all about The [magic] Book. Guess what- it’s not limited edition or crazy expensive and you can all get one too.

Oh- were you looking for the link? Patience good people; it’s coming. Before you all run off to buy one I have more tales of its power to share. It keeps giving and the awesome ladies in the facebook group [yes- I’ll share that too] keep inspiring me and every day gets a little bit more awesome.  Now I had this complicated master plan to write in real time  but working backward and then share . Don’t know about you but I confused the fairy dust out of me so let’s just catch up.

Since I promised to write this, I have also qualified as a Happiness Coach and been refused a loan I wanted desperately to train as a coach. Good Times. Hmm..I can see how that would be confusing so let’s rewind a little. About a year ago I decided I wanted to be a coach and help people. I had 2 problems. The first was that I didn’t know ANYTHING about coaching. That was easily fixed. I bought into a franchise with a huge company that offered endless training, support, materials, mentoring etc and was all round brilliant. First problem solved. The second was that I still wasn’t ready and hadn’t learnt to love life and understand how all round shiny and fabulous I am.

I gave up with the franchise training after about 2 weeks. You see part of the authorisation process was to learn a 45 minute speech, deliver this in front of a group and be FILMED doing so. AARGH. The scaredy cat, wimpy, self doubting me screamed. I can’t do that. I can’t learn a speech, I’ve got short term memory problems. I can’t talk in front of people, I’m not confident enough. I can’t be FILMED…I’m too hideous, fat, short. Blah Blah Blah. Inspiring stuff huh? Who wouldn’t want to hire a coach that had NO self confidence, passion, ambition or drive?


Fast forward and I attended a weekend coaching course. I heard an amazing lady speak about how she works with people to change their belief systems and banish their limiting beliefs. I WANT TO DO THAT!!! [I thought to myself quietly. I didn’t actually stand up and yell it]. I applied for the course [knowing it involved talking to groups, being filmed etc] and was told I could apply for  grant to cover the cost of the training. Now as a newly enlightened Law of Attraction] I had no doubt I would get the £4000 loan and was all prepared to start. Then I was told as I have a job [which pays about 1/3 of my rent] I would need to pay the first £800. I looked under my bed, down the back of the sofa and rummaged in old handbags. No- I hadn’t stuffed £800 in a forgotten place.

UHUH- universe you sneaky minx I thought. I like the way you think. [ this is now the universe talking to me as I heard it in my head] “Now why would you go and get yourself £4000 into debt for the exact training you have stored in your laptop with the same support/ mentoring offered?” ” Ah,,,But I can’t do that because…. Oh,  I get it. There is NO reason at all why I can’t do that because I am now flowing with self love, positivity and shed all my limiting beliefs like a snake sheds its skin” . Only in a ladylike, ethereal, glamorous fashion.

Well there is slightly more to the story but the end is I am now qualified to share the love, the power and teach everyone how to be happy.

Here it is- now go get your magic book!




How I Made My Life Sparkly and Amazing [spoiler alert: I cheated!]


Great to have you here with me. If you read the ‘About Me’ you’ll know I promised to tell it like it is [and if you haven’t- go, now; read it. It’s freaking awesome stuff]. So, a little more background or nothing that follows will make much sense. Did I just steal that line from a movie or a book? It sounds familiar. Apologies if I did.

I used to be unhappy.

I mean seriously, BIG time, suck the life out of a room unhappy. We’re not talking the occasional bad mood. I sucked. I didn’t like myself. I didn’t believe in myself. I certainly didn’t think I had ANYTHING worth sharing or writing about. I KNEW the universe ‘had it in for me’. I KNEW that “any little thing that could go wrong, would go wrong”.

Don’t believe me? I know it’s hard cos I’m a ball of love, light, sparkly fabulousness now that makes the world shine a little brighter. I’m so insanely happy and positive cartoon deers and birds follow me around chirping like they do with Snow White. [You’re allowed to be sceptical at this point. You don’t know me and so far all you DO know is that I used to be train wreck].

If I missed a bus I absolutely believed the world was against me and wanted me to be late.  No milk left in the shop? The universe is punishing me for being fat and drinking too much coffee. The friend I had plans with cancelled at the last minute [just like I KNEW she/ he would “cos they always do”]. Why wouldn’t they? It’s probably cos I’m so fat and boring and useless.  Good times huh?

For the record, I’d like to point out that by some miracle I did actually have friends…some of them even stuck around to meet the new awesome me- and in my 47 years, I’ve probably been late about 5 times . EVER. 

Now- be honest peeps. Your waiting for me to tell you how many therapists I saw, how many incredible life-altering books I read, how I suddenly won the lottery, how I magically dropped 25 kilos and started to like myself [actually, that IS true but it’s NOT what changed my life].  Would you like to hear about the retreats I went on? How I found religion? Bought a dog/ cat/ budgie?

Nah- I’m a good person and I have many great qualities that you will come to know and recognise but [gasps all around] I have [had!] a couple of teensy weensy faults.  I can be incredibly lazy, if procrastination was an Olympic sport I’d be weighed down with gold medals. You know- forget gold. I was SO amazing at procrastinating they would have probably introduced platinum medals just for me. So….I did none of the above. I just kept plodding along telling myself life was ok, I no longer felt driven to kill myself, I could go buy a bar of chocolate without having a panic attack…I was ok. ‘OK?’ If you’re feeling that. If you’re agreeing with me, let me make something clear. ‘OK’ is NOT FREAKING GOOD ENOUGH for the description of your LIFE. You may use it to describe a cup of tea in a motorway cafe, you may use it to describe a slightly under par episode of your favourite tv show.  Hey- I’m feeling generous…you may – at a stretch- use it to describe the first time you have sex with your new lover but NOT FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!

It was all so much easier than that. I almost said a random encounter with a wonderful inspiring woman is responsible.  The universe [which it turns out never hated me, and only made my life a constant source of misery and disappointment because I kept asking for that!] threw me a bone and went; “Oi- Lachtay! I’ve just about had enough. This is your chance. Don’t screw it up” and I didn’t. The universe delivered the selfless, very lovely Anna into my life and she told me she could help me stop procrastinating, be happy and totally change my life. [Ok- a part of me WAS thinking and for your next trick could I please have a chocolate tree and a Prosecco fountain] but I said. ” Ok, wondrous lady…..bring it on. What do I need to do?”

….and she said ” buy a work book.” WHAT? A BOOK? WTF? That’s it?” Are you feeling cheated at this point? But you know something ? Turns out it wasn’t ‘just a book’  but a magical book with inner power.

Now if you whole heartedly believe that, I’m a little worried about you 🙂 But, back to my promise that I’ll share everything. Here it real time, as it happened because I bought this crazy/ brilliant/ magic book….A MONTH AGO and the changes in my life since then are nothing short of miraculous. The next few [much shorter posts] will be all I’ve written almost day by day so you can watch and see how this unfolds.


I know it’s gonna be awesome. I know it’s gonna rock. I know you’re gonna be hooked and motivated to do this for yourselves…and one last thing; “I Julie Lachtay, under the watchful eye of the universe promise to NEVER, EVER use the word “journey” unless I’ve been on a moving vehicle of some kind” [And if I EVER break that promise- call me out. TROLL me on social media! Label me a phony. Then forgive me because forgiveness is THE greatest power you have and you possess a limitless supply].


Let’s do this 🙂






The Book

Welcome Back Gorgeous Ones.

I left you with the promise to tell you how a book changed my life. Not just any book but a magical book. I going to ask you all for a little poetic license here but I know you’re all incredible and you’ll come along with me. I want to share everything that has happened, continues to happen and all the miraculous things that I know will they happen. The reality is that would mean me sitting at my keyboard updating you all by the minute. As I write it’s in real time but I’ll be posting a few weeks in the past. Have I lost you? Oh Good- I’m totally confused but we’ll figure it out as we go.


So – I was waiting for a miracle [back when I didn’t actually believe in them!] to turn my life around when the wonderful Anna told me to buy a book. Not a fat, wordy self help tome…oh no…an [almost] empty book.  I was sceptical. I was unimpressed. I was..and I’m embarrassed to admit this…more than a bit disappointed and thought I’d been conned. Remember I yet to discover the universe, the magic and the sheer endless joy of believing in something. [Oh- if it matters or if you’re curious I’m an Athiest. I absolutely respect everyone’s chosen faith].

Along with The Book, I found a Facebook group. Not just any group of course. This one is full of brilliant, brave, successful, scared, old, young, in perfect health, in terrible health, super wealthy, too broke to pay the rent women just like you but we have a power. We all believe it is possible to be anything we want  so we inspire, support and encourage each other.


Here are my posts, in order as written so you can watch how my life became amazing, calm, stress free and full of joy and possibilities in 4 weeks. By the time you’ve read them I might be running the world [probably not, lol] but let’s wait and see what happens.


Feb 4

Hi peeps- I need some help. I think I’m being really dim but I don’t get what I’m supposed to be doing! I have the hard copy of the workbook and I joined a group [supposedly. It turned out to be a webinar and only 2 of us joined in] but I don’t understand how writing stuff down will change my life. [That doesn’t mean I don’t believe it can]. Any suggestions welcome.

“I Think I’m Being Really Dim….”

Well gorgeous ones…that’s inspiring, isn’t it?!! NOT. But yes, I’m sad to say that was the first thing I ever posted. Several kind hearted kindred spirits replied. The general gist being “Just do it. What’s the worst that could happen? Write it down…do what the book says.” And I did…

The Book told me to write down my dreams and goals. To THINK BIG. And I did. It told me to write down ONE HUNDRED things I want to do this year [Ok…that’s a LOT and I’m still working on it]. The Book told me to pick a word to define myself this year. And I did.

8 feb

So a really long time ago when I got my workbook, I posted on here asking for help saying I didn’t get it.

Then I read some posts from you incredible shining women. I’ve rearranged my [very tiny] flat so I can see more light and colour, pinned up my wall planner, started a vision wall, booked a photo shoot [I HATE having my photo taken], joined a social club and signed up for a pub quiz and brunch, and reconnected with a friend I travelled in Africa with 25 years ago who I haven’t seen probably for 20 years and we’re planning to meet up.

I’ve booked a session with a careers advisor next week to help me move out of the rut I’m in and into my dream job supporting people living with HIV.


Oh…hold it- it wasn’t a ‘really long time ago’. It was TWO days ago!!! Thank  for opening my eyes.


And my word for 2016 is FEARLESS